Black Businesses Matter
Black Businesses Matter is a weekly podcast show on the impact of collaborating and advocating for Black Businesses to drive impact. It is hosted by Larvetta L. Loftin. Founder of The L3 Agency, a full service influencer marketing and communications agency. Hear from investors, thought leaders, supply chain leaders, DEI practitioners and business owners on why engaging minority businesses should be a social responsibility when black businesses are the largest employers of black people. Each episode will provide inspiration and actionable tools to help you become culturally sensitive in growing your business or brand. Each episode are about 30 - 45 minutes in length to help you to pledge to support Black businesses EVERY DAY in EVERY WAY and REIMAGINE #blackbusinessesmatter.
Podcasting since 2021 • 107 episodes
Black Businesses Matter
Latest Episodes
“We’re not here to win each other over we’re just here to provide a perspective ” says Larvetta L. Loftin
Episode 106:Guest Name: Larvetta L. Loftin Guest Business: The L3 AgencySummary StyleEPISODE SUMMARY In this special ep...
Season 9
Episode 106
“ We don't measure ourselves by traditional standards why would we I’m not the traditional wine maker” Says Rick Nesbitt
Episode 105:Guest Name: Rick and Carin NesbittGuest Business: Vintrendi Wine CompanySummary StyleEPISODE SUMMARY In this epi...
Season 9
Episode 105
“You have to put goals out there for yourself ”says Melinda Herron
Episode 104 :Guest Name: Melinda and Delfondo Herron Guest Business: 103 Collective Summary StyleEPISODE SUMMARY I...
Season 9
Episode 103